Kingdom Come

The Homeless Christmas Party

December 14, 2022 Scott Spiewak Season 3 Episode 15

We have been serving Harmony Homes and Henry in Manchester, NH for the last 5 years.  This year however, something changed.  Something shifted.  There was an incredibly strong presence of God.  It was so tangible and seen and modeled.  From the minute the church service started to the homeless doing all their shopping downstairs...God was there! 

Henry has done an amazing job all these years touching the hearts of hundreds.  There was roughly 100 plus volunteers from over a dozen churches across NH.  Our team manned the 'prayer tent' area.  

This year we prayed for over 200 plus homeless!  There was, like never before a massive desire from them to us for prayer...they wanted it! 

Listen in as my new friend Rick Demmons shares stories from the team.