Kingdom Come

Jesus was not a Christian

June 15, 2022 Scott Spiewak Season 3 Episode 8

Sometimes a statement goes off in your spirit so much so that you need to get it out.  This journey for me started about 5 plus years ago through trial actually.  Through learning by mistake.  I'm someone by nature who loves taking risk - the Lord has used that gift over and over inside me for HIS GOOD.

So I say all that to say, the statement Jesus was not a Christian has been sounding off inside of me for weeks.  I so want followers of Him and His teachings to be PUT ON HIM and not on much so I'm willing to talk about it.

The challenge in American Christianity is that when men fall - so do the 1,000 people following those men - mostly because they're not on Jesus - they're on or following those men.

Our brand of Christianity 99% of the time is missing elements of Christ.  It's been created around a certain followers brand of Christianity.  Jesus didn't die for a denomination He died for all of humanity!