Kingdom Come

The Person of Holy Spirit - Modeling How to be Activated for Transformation - PART 3

December 07, 2021 Scott Spiewak Season 2 Episode 17

In the closing program on The Person of the Holy Spirit, show host, Scott Spiewak shares more insights into 'street smarts' of walking with the Holy Spirit.  What he has learned and observed for studying out this part of the God head for the past 9-10 years.

We'd love your feedback or better yet if you shared this program with a friend.

We have prayed for over 4,605 people in our prayer tents over the last 5 years.  As we dream about what's next for the year of 2022 we are believing to take the life of living the gospel all over New England...but we don't want to do it alone...WE NEED YOU! 

As we launch the 10 City Prayer Tent Tour if you know of a great street fair or festival in your town please let us know.  We may even film all 10 cities to share stories from the street.