Kingdom Come

The Person of Holy Spirit - Modeling How to be Activated for Transformation - PART 2

November 24, 2021 Scott Spiewak Season 2 Episode 16

Host Scott Spiewak continues with discussing The Person of Holy Spirit providing real life stories from 'on the street' & 'in your life' examples of how the Holy Spirit has become a part of our daily walk. 

The third person of the God head is a real person, not a tongue.  Holy Spirit is not a feeling.  Holy Spirit is not goosebumps....he's a real person.  How do you get to know a person you've never met?  You ask to meet 'em!  The same way you said YES to Jesus.  You received Him by grace through faith right?  Why would another part of the God head be any different?

Tune in and find out how you can walk as Jesus walked by living with encounters on a daily basis.  

Debunking wrong thinking is part of what freedom in God brings.  Remember, religion is a relationship with head knowledge.  Relationship happens in your heart.  Jesus wants relationship with what's actually in your heart!  When the two connect there is wholeness.  The same truth applies with the Person of the Holy Spirit.  When you have fruits and gifts there is wholeness.  Most of the body of Christ in the western church of America focus only on the fruits of the Spirit.  That's offensive to the God head.  Why would we want to offend God?