Kingdom Come

What is House Church? Answering the Questions Everyone is Asking

February 07, 2024 Scott Spiewak

For the past three or four years we have been walking out modeling the early church model both locally and regionally here in New England.  It has been a total complete blast.  A few of the folks I have done that with are Steve Leifheit, from York, ME as well as John Marshall from Nashua, NH.

Both Steve and John aren't strangers to the show as they've both been on in the past to discuss similar topics.  If you've not listened to those shows go back and find's worth your time.

Today we catch up with Steve and John - getting an update on where things are at with them as well diving into answering some of the many questions brought up in different circles surrounding doing this lifestyle. 
Acts 2:46  - "House to House"
Acts 5:42  - "House to House"
Acts 8:3 -    "House after House"
Acts 10:22  "Cornelius House"
Acts 12:12 - "Mary's House"
Acts 16:32 - "Jailer's House"
Acts 16:40 - "Lydia's House"
Acts 18:7    - "Titius Justus House"
Acts 20:20 -  "House to House"
Romans 16:5 - "Prisca + Aquila's House
1 Cor. 16:19 - "Prisca + Aquila's House
Colossians 4:15 "Nympha's House"
Philemon 1:2 - "Philemon's House"