Kingdom Come

The Prayer Tent at the Deerfield Fair 2022 - Man Healed Out of a Wheelchair

October 02, 2022 Scott Spiewak Season 3 Episode 13

For 5-6 years we've been doing prayer tent ministry at public festivals all over New England.  In the last year, the Lord had us pivot from going all over to focus on the state we live in - New Hampshire.

The Deerfield Fair in particular HAS been one of the most challenging festivals.  The toughest places to go...but not anymore.  That is changing.  We're starting to see people from festival's we've done prayer tents at before...we starting to see them over and over.  The work we are doing is starting to penetrate the darkness.  It's starting to penetrate the's working!  But we need your help. 

We share on today's show stories from the field praying for others.  We prayed for a man two years ago at this festival who came running down the sidewalk looking for the prayer tent to tell us - He's OUT OF HIS WHEELCHAIR!