Kingdom Come

The Need for Real Community - What does it look like to Nuture Authentic Culture

March 24, 2022 Scott Spiewak Season 3 Episode 4

Local guest Chuck Denningham joins me from East Concord, NH.  For the last year the phrase 'community' has been a buzz word in Christian gatherings.  What does it mean?  How do we create it and is it authentic?

As we at Kingdom Come have left traditional church we've learned things from the streets we never saw before in Sunday morning gatherings.  Those are things we LOVE to share with you all listening.  Most of what I have learned as the host, Scott Spiewak, has really been from failure. 

We started a local house gathering the last 3/4's of a year.  Through that process, we've grown as a group.  But now, we've found our rhythm....and something has happened...we're having a total blast! 

For more information or prayer needs reach out to us at The New England Healing & Freedom Center.