Kingdom Come

Conversion VS Conversation - Everyday Discipleship that's Changing the Landscape of Church

February 16, 2022 Scott Spiewak Season 3 Episode 3

For years in any discussion on stories of evangelism it was always about a number.   A number of people that were led to the Lord was all that matter.  Back in the day, that number was the credibility we were somehow looking for which validated our work.

Those days are LONG GONE! 

Converting someone through leading them through "the Roman's Road' is not the end goal...most of those folks have already left the church out the back door or worse, never even made it to the front door.

Evangelism has changed and so has the way we need to go about it.

In today's podcast, show host Scott Spiewak, from The New England Healing & Freedom Center shares first hand stories of lesson's learned from 'real time' happenings on the street of how conversation has taken the pressure and guilt off of getting someone converted.